A member of Oracle Films recently spent a very rainy weekend with the guys and girls from Rebels on Roundabouts, Stockport to learn what they are about. Watch and share the excellent documentary below …
About Us
The growth of ‘Rebels on Roundabouts’ has been exponential and we thought it would be a good idea to put out a message for new members as to what we’re about and to give them a few ideas on how to go about setting up a roundabout gathering of their own.
Our Belief
We believe that the virus has been ruthlessly exploited by a global elite through their puppet politicians and mainstream media. A coordinated psychological operation has instilled FEAR and CONFUSION in the general population. Freedom, wealth and independence are being taken from people and nations alike. Governments around the world are using blackmail and coercion to force an experimental injection into peoples bodies. This is a sinister CONTROL and DEPOPULATION agenda.
Central Banks Are In Control Of Governments
Reckless unaffordable credit has bank-rolled business closures, draconian mask mandates and unsafe experimental injections. The privately owned central banks literally create money out of thin air and loan it to governments with interest. It’s the biggest scam ever perpetrated.
Do Nothing And We Will All Live Under A Dictatorial Technocracy
Digital Vaccination Passports are poised to micro-manage our daily lives and enslave us and our children. The unsuspecting public do not have to acquiesce to these unprecedented restrictions which WILL stop if we ALL say NO.
The MIND, BODY AND SOUL of 8 billion people are under attack from the MEDIA, PASSPORTS AND SYRINGES.
It’s not about health or a virus it’s so clearly about CONTROL and a SCAPEGOAT for the inevitable upcoming collapse of the scam ECONOMY.
Our Methods Have Proved To Be Very Successful
Marching with millions of like minds around London has been fun but the media still ignore us. So we originally decided to take our message directly to the public on our local major roundabout to see if the public really believed the Covid hype and PROPAGANDA and guess what?…
Thousands of motorists overwhelmed us with support, tooting their horns and waving. Drivers pulled over to join us saying they thought they were “just a lone voice”. Very soon people were setting up their own independent activity on Roundabouts and roadsides around the UK and the world, as far away as New Zealand. They also provide a truth and perspective which disappeared from mainstream News in 2020.
Why not borrow the idea for yourselves and have some fun with diverse like-minded people in your area to make a real difference?

Quick Starters
Advice on joining your local group or starting your own if there is not one in your area. We are here to provide help and good advice.

Join thousands of others that think just like you to share information and strategies.

High Impact
If you want a starter-pack we’ve developed a core of 8 Yellow Placards (2fx2ft) with a great value Printer.

Find Local
Find and join a local event in your area. Keep informed of the next event. If you are an event leader then email your next event details and we’ll add them to this site.

& Letters
Benefit from the many templates and letters that you can use to get your voice heard with local schools or politicians.